Raise money

Raise funds for talented scholarship students

Just like last year, you're running for a good cause: we're raising funds for scholarship students. This way, you're giving talented students who aspire to study at Erasmus University Rotterdam but lack the necessary financial means the opportunity to fulfill their dreams. The minimum fundraising amount is € 40.00. When you raise € 15.00, you'll receive your very own unique Erasmus Charity Run 2024 t-shirt.


Sponsor Page

You can collect funds through your own sponsor page, which will be created for you upon your registration for the NN Marathon or 1/4 Marathon of Rotterdam. After your page is created, you'll receive a confirmation email. Please note: this email may end up in your spam folder. After creating your sponsor page, you can inspire friends and family to donate. Send personal messages, share on social media, provide regular updates, and express gratitude to your sponsors.